
(* indicates equal contribution.)


Embodied Executable Policy Learning with Language-based Scene Summarization
Jielin Qiu*, Mengdi Xu*, William Han*, Seungwhan Moon, Ding Zhao
2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)
Abridged in ICML 2023 Workshop on Interactive Learning with Implicit Human Feedback (spotlight)

Guardians as You Fall: Active Mode Transition for Safe Falling
Yikai Wang, Mengdi Xu, Guanya Shi, Ding Zhao
Preprint, under review
[paper] [website] [code] [video]


Creative Robot Tool Use with Large Language Models
Mengdi Xu*, Peide Huang*, Wenhao Yu*, Shiqi Liu, Xilun Zhang, Yaru Niu, Tingnan Zhang, Fei Xia, Jie Tan, Ding Zhao
Abridged in CoRL 2023 Workshop on Language and Robot Learning: Language as Grounding
[paper] [webpage] [MLD Blog] [TechXplore]

Continual Vision-based Reinforcement Learning with Group Symmetries
Shiqi Liu*, Mengdi Xu*, Peide Huang, Yongkang Liu, Kentaro Oguchi, Ding Zhao
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2023 (oral, 6.6%)
Abridged in RSS 2023 Workshop on Symmetries in Robot Learning
[paper] [webpage]

Adaptive Online Replanning with Diffusion Models
Siyuan Zhou, Yilun Du, Shun Zhang, Mengdi Xu, Yikang Shen, Wei Xiao, Dit-Yan Yeung, Chuang Gan
Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023
[paper] [webpage]

What Went Wrong? Closing the Sim-to-Real Gap via Differentiable Causal Discovery
Peide Huang, Xilun Zhang*, Ziang Cao*, Shiqi Liu*, Mengdi Xu, Wenhao Ding, Jonathan Francis, Bingqing Chen, Ding Zhao
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2023
Abridged in IROS 2023 Workshop on Causality for Robotics: Answering the Question of Why.
[paper] [webpage]

Hyper-Decision Transformer for Efficient Online Policy Adaptation
Mengdi Xu, Yuchen Lu, Yikang Shen, Shun Zhang, Ding Zhao, Chuang Gan
The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
[paper] [webpage]

Group Distributionally Robust Reinforcement Learning with Hierarchical Latent Variables
Mengdi Xu, Peide Huang, Yaru Niu, Visak Kumar, Jielin Qiu, Chao Fang, Kuan-Hui Lee, Xuewei Qi, Henry Lam, Bo Li, Ding Zhao
The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, (AISTATS), 2023
Abridged in ICML 2022 workshop on Principles of Distribution Shift.
Abridged in ICRA 2022 the Fresh Perspectives on the Future of Autonomous Driving Workshop
[paper] [webpage]

A trajectory is worth three sentences: multimodal transformer for offline reinforcement learning
Yiqi Wang, Mengdi Xu, Laixi Shi, Yuejie Chi
Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (UAI), 2023
[paper] [code]

Transfer Knowledge from Natural Language to Electrocardiography: Can We Detect Cardiovascular Disease Through Language Models?
Jielin Qiu, William Han, Jiacheng Zhu, Mengdi Xu, Michael Rosenberg, Emerson Liu, Douglas Weber, Ding Zhao
The 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), 2023


Curriculum Reinforcement Learning using Optimal Transport via Gradual Domain Adaptation
Peide Huang, Mengdi Xu, Jiacheng Zhu, Laixi Shi, Fei Fang, Ding Zhao,
The 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (NeurIPS), 2022

Prompting Decision Transformer for Few-shot Policy Generalization
Mengdi Xu, Yikang Shen, Shun Zhang, Yuchen Lu, Ding Zhao, Josh Tenenbaum, Chuang Gan
Thirty-ninth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022
[paper] [webpage] [code]

Scalable Safety-Critical Policy Evaluation with Accelerated Rare Event Sampling
Mengdi Xu, Peide Huang, Fengpei Li, Jiacheng Zhu, Xuewei Qi, Kentaro Oguchi, Zhiyuan Huang, Henry Lam, Ding Zhao
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
Abridged in ICLR 2021 Workshop in Security and Safety in Machine Learning Systems
[paper] [bibtex] [workshop] [poster]

Robust Reinforcement Learning as a Stackelberg Game via Adaptively-Regularized Adversarial Training
Peide Huang, Mengdi Xu, Fei Fang, Ding Zhao
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022
[paper] [bibtex]

Trustworthy Reinforcement Learning Against Intrinsic Vulnerabilities: Robustness, Safety, and Generalizability
Mengdi Xu*, Zuxin Liu*, Peide Huang*, Wenhao Ding, Zhepeng Cen, Bo Li, Ding Zhao
Preprint, under review


Context-Aware Safe Reinforcement Learning for Non-Stationary Environments
Baiming Chen, Zuxin Liu, Jiacheng Zhu, Mengdi Xu, Wenhao Ding, Liang Li, Ding Zhao
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021
[paper] [bibtex]

Delay-Aware Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control
Baiming Chen, Mengdi Xu, Liang Li, Ding Zhao
Neurocomputing, 2021
[paper] [code] [bibtex]

Functional Optimal Transport: Map Estimation and Domain Adaptation for Functional data
Jiacheng Zhu*, Aritra Guha*, Dat Do*, Mengdi Xu, XuanLong Nguyen, Ding Zhao
Abridged in AAAI OT-SDM 2022 workshop (spotlight)
[paper] [code] [bibtex]

Delay-Aware Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Baiming Chen, Mengdi Xu, Zuxin Liu, Liang Li, Ding Zhao
Preprint, under review
[paper] [code] [bibtex]


Task-Agnostic Online Reinforcement Learning with an Infinite Mixture of Gaussian Processes
Mengdi Xu, Wenhao Ding, Jiacheng Zhu, Zuxin Liu, Baiming Chen, Ding Zhao
Thirty-fourth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020
[paper] [video] [code] [bibtex]

CMTS: Conditional Multiple Trajectory Synthesizer for Generating Safety-critical Driving Scenarios
Wenhao Ding, Mengdi Xu, Ding Zhao
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020
[paper] [code] [bibtex]


Mosquito staging apparatus for producing PfSPZ malaria vaccines
Mengdi Xu, Shengnan Lyu, Yingtian Xu, Can Kocabalkanli, Brian K. Chirikjian, John S. Chirikjian, Joshua Davis, Jin Seob Kim, Iulian Iordachita, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory S. Chirikjian
IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2019
[paper] [bibtex]

Multi-Mosquito Object Detection and 2D Pose Estimation for Automation of PfSPZ Malaria Vaccine Production
Hongtao Wu, Jiteng Mu, Ting Da, Mengdi Xu, Russell H. Taylor, Iulian Iordachita, Gregory S. Chirikjian
IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2019
[paper] [bibtex]


Recovering a Rotation Matrix From Three Direction Cosines
Mengdi Xu, Gregory S. Chirikjian
ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC-CIE), 2018
[paper] [bibtex]

Influence of hydrodynamic pressure and vein strength on the super-elasticity of honeybee wings
Jieliang Zhao*, Mengdi Xu* Youjian Liang, Shaoze Yan, Wendong Niu
Journal of insect physiology, 2018
[paper] [bibtex]

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